The American Show TrialsPosted: 2014-12-10 EVNN 12-10-14
Recently we have seen how Bill Cosby has been accused of numerous crimes which had never before been even whispered. Why is this happening now decades after these alledged incidents took place? Whether he is guilty or not, it is apparent that this is a character assasination. The media mob has their marching orders and the race is on to destroy him in the eyes of the public. Cosby has spoken out many times on social issues and his opinions have ranckled the Left. This infraction cannot go unpunished.
We have see these tactics over and over again against any public figure who speaks against so called Social Progressive policies. Clarence Thomas was forced to endure humiliating accusations which were never found to have any substance. His appointment to the Supreme Court was in jeopardy because of it. And when numerous women came forward to vouch for his character the slanderers shrank away back into the dark corners from which they came.
In the former Soviet Union show trials were a common sight. The Politburo singled out people to become scape goats for their own failed policies. They were publicly disgraced with false accusations and were warned to confess or they families would be horribly brutalized.
Is this so different? What kind of monsters would do this? I'll tell you: ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, The Arizona Republic and Brahm Resnick of Channel 12 news just to name a few.
As long as this yellow journalism runs rampant we cannot have a free Republic. Just turn them off and unsubscribe.