Tempe Union High School District is Financially Supporting the City of TempePosted: 2015-12-15 UPDATE Education Action Network 12-14-15 Peggy McClain:
Thanks to a reader who noted I wrote Moses Sanchez's email address incorrectly.
It is msanchez@tempeunion.org
Also if you're available, please attend the TUHSD Board meeting Wednesday night at 7PM, 500 W. Guadalupe, Tempe. 85283. You may fill out a card for public comment if you'd like. The district office is at the northwest corner of Guadalupe and Kyrene, right next to $1/year Benedict Park.
Education Action Network 12-14-15 Peggy McClain
For those of you who live in or know somebody in the Tempe Union High School District, please contact the school board by 12-16-15 regarding the following issue. (Tempe Union includes Tempe High, McClintock, Marcos de Niza, Corona del Sol, Mt. Pointe, Desert Vista, and Compadre High Schools).
Those of you who are in Tempe Union but live in Ahwatukee or Chandler, this may be of special interest to you.
It appears Tempe Union, owners of Benedict Park at the corner of Kyrene and Guadalupe, has been leasing the property to the City of Tempe. It's nice that both entities are working together. However, it's time to renew the lease. Tempe Union, the brilliant finance managers that they are, has been charging the City of Tempe $1/year to lease Benedict Park for the last 15 years.
This is not a typo, it is $1/year. You know, the City of Tempe has had a lot of expenses what with those new bike lanes and attractive candlesticks they have erected along McClintock Drive. Why not just charge the City of Tempe 50 cents/year and give us Tempeans a break?
Seriously, we hear constantly that there isn't enough money "for the kids." Why hasn't TUHSD charged the going rate? Think of what that money could have been used for--maybe teachers? Students? Instead, we got swindled into a tax increase 6 weeks ago.
Please email the TUHSD Board by December 16, 2015 if you think they should be better stewards of their assets and assess the going rate to lease Benedict Park and charge accordingly.