So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. ~Matthew 20:16
Please Sign the Petition - Force Brewer to Act!
Posted: 2014-07-22
7-21-14 Arizona Freedom Alliance
It's Time to Stand up for Arizona!
This is now a crisis and it is going to take the citizens of Arizona to stand up to an out of control government. We now have several states standing with us and your help is needed.
View the video from Zack Taylor and sign the petition. If not you then who?
If you click on "Stand Up Arizona" link, you can read the petition that is now circulating in Arizona, to stop the chaos on our border. The purpose is to force our governor to close the border, using our own National Guard. But it goes much farther than that. It will really clean up the situation completely.
I urge you to consider signing this petition. It will take a lot of signatures to force Brewer to do anything. This could not be more urgent, as our very viability as a nation stands or falls on getting this under control.
PS: Anyone in ANY STATE can sign this, because illegal immigration affects everyone in every state.
Daisy Mountain Tea Party Patriots
NOTE: Both videos are posted on AFA: One featured on the Videos tab and one on Information Pages Tab/Border Issues/Zack Taylor Speaks in the Discussion Forum
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