Crony Corporations Pump Massive Money Into Gilbert Pro Tax CampaignPosted: 2015-11-22 [EVNN note: Just keep telling yourself "It's for the children" and "It's for the teachers". The lie will make you feel better for a while...until your tax bill comes due]
Education Action Network 11-22-15
The 2015, all mail in, Off Cycle, election, in Gilbert brought massive new taxes for property owners to bear. Not only in Gilbert but across the state.
The Unite For Education PAC spent over $33,000 on the Gilbert election.
By the looks of the donor list, it appears that some corporations might be expecting some big favors (otherwise known as return on investment) from old 41 (Gilbert Public Schools). In any other industry this might be called racketeering.
Unite For Education PAC
Financial report of 10-30-15
Total donations in this reporting period: $62,643.53