All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. ~1 Corinthians 10:23
Light Rail: The Boondoggle That Will Never Pay For Itself
Posted: 2015-06-29
Sal Diccicio 3-4-15
BOONDOGGLE that could cost you $33 billion!!
The final numbers are in and here is what we found out:
$161 million- cost per mile to build and operate light rail.
81%-amount taxpayers must subsidize every rider. The fare box only recovers 19 percent of overall cost.
Your neighborhood street-the train system only carries the amount of people that drive by your street every day. Yes, your local neighborhood street out your front door carries about 2,000 cars per day. The train carries the same per mile.
As acomparison here is what we could do with:
$1 Billion-Pay for the salary of 22,222 new teachers
$33 Billion- buys 1,241,161 cars
Guarantee 100 years of new water supply-For approximately $1.4 billion, the State of Arizona could fund a water delivery system providing us a 100 year supply of water.
Phoenix has not shown fiscal responsibility with its own budget. If it can't handle its current budget, why would taxpayers give $33 billion more to a structurally unsound organization?
This enormous tax and spend proposal is not fiscally responsible or accountable.
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