ACTION ITEM! CITY OF PHOENIX TO ISSUE ID CARDS TO ILLEGAL ALIENS"?!!Posted: 2015-03-22 Time: March 25, 2015 from 9am to 11am Location: Phoenix City Hall Organized By: Vince Ansel
Event Description:
Please share and/or pass along so those who continue to be dedicated to this issue will be informed. Phoenix Councilwoman Laura Pastor has teamed up with an organization called the "Center for Neighborhood Leadership" in order to introduce the "Unified City Services/Municipal ID Card". The card is being promoted as a way to condense many City services into one ID card for City of Phoenix residents. Seems logical,doesn't it? It is suspected however, that this ID card may insidiously be used as an avenue to legitimize the status of Illegal Alien's who reside within the City of Phoenix. The "fly in the ointment" in all of this is that the "Center for Neighborhood Leadership" is a de facto, left wing Pro-Obama "Community Organizing" group . Both Councilwoman Pastor and this organization hope to push this agenda item through with the ultimate goal of it being approved by the Phoenix City Council. Once Phoenix takes the bait it will be a matter of time before other municipalities in the State of Arizona follow suit. A public meeting on this item is scheduled for the City Council Parks, Arts, Transparency and Education Subcommittee at the request of Councilwoman Laura Pastor, who is chairwoman of the subcommittee. It is set for Wednesday March 25, 2015 at Phoenix City Hall, 200 W. Washington St. Phoenix, AZ @ 9:00 AM. Individuals and organizations concerned about any "Backdoor Amnesty" activity sponsored by governmental entities should have ample representation.If anyone wishes to speak, please be coherent and civil smile emoticon! Thank you!