…Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. ~Ecclesiastes 12:13

Censures Eight Precinct Committeemen

Posted: 2014-12-07

 The Maricopa County Republican Committee’s Executive Guidance Committee (MCRC EGC) passed two Resolutions to Censure, and censured eight precinct committeemen (PCs) during their December 4 meeting. Chairman A. J. LaFaro will be contacting and instructing their respective LD Chairman to notify their PCs.

  • o   Five PCs  - Garvey Biggers -  LD24, Susan Charlton  - LD28, Barbara Espinosa -  LD23, Susan Gerard -  LD28 and Robin Shaw - LD28 – were censured under the Resolution to Censure for endorsing non-Republicans in various partisan elections. 
  • o   Three PCs - Emma  Anderson (E.J. Anderson) - LD12, Suzanne Horvath - LD12 and Jay Schlum -LD23 – were censured under a slightly revised Resolution to Censure for endorsing non-Republicans in various non-partisan elections. The revised resolution  (revision inserts underlined) reads: 

Resolution to Censure

By the Executive Guidance Committee of the 

Maricopa County Republican Committee

December 4, 2014

  • o   Whereas, the purpose of the Republican Party is to elect Republican candidates; and
  • o   Whereas, the individuals listed on Page 2 of this Resolution to Censure openly endorsed candidates opposing a registered Republican in the 2014 Arizona General Election; and
  • o   Whereas, the individuals listed on Page 2 of this Resolution to Censure may have provided material support to those candidates opposing a registered Republican in the 2014 Arizona General Election; and
  • o   Whereas, the behavior of the individuals listed on Page 2 of this Resolution to Censure is directly in conflict to the purposes of the Republican Party; and
  • o   Whereas, the conduct of the individuals listed on Page 2 of this Resolution to Censure is in egregious defiance of the Maricopa County Republican Party Bylaws; and
  • o   Whereas, the individuals listed on Page 2 of this Resolution to Censure have violated the trust of their Republican Constituents and fellow Republican Precinct Committeemen.
  • o   Therefore be it resolved
  • o   That the Executive Guidance Committee of the Maricopa County Republican Committee hereby censures and sternly reprimands the individuals listed on Page 2 of this Resolution to Censure;  and
  • o   That the individuals listed on Page 2 of this Resolution to Censure shall have no access to Republican Party data or other Republican Party resources throughout the remainder of their term of office.


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