... O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? ~Matthew 16:3

Outside Tampering with PC Elections

Posted: 2014-08-13

It seems that out-of-state tampering with AZ elections is not limited to big ticket items, but extends all the way down to the precinct committeeman level.

This strategy for turning AZ blue is very simple. If organizations want to control the leadership at the district, county, and state levels, getting rid of potential conservative candidates is one way to accomplish it. 

Even though this appears to be perpetrated mostly by out-of-state elements, they can not do it without being aided and abetted by local accomplices. 

The first line of defense against this attack is to remain vigilant and informed. To that end, here is a summary of what is happening, as reported in the MCRC Briefs: 

Add the Arcadia Precinct in LD28 and Graham County to the four or five precincts in LD23 that the out-of-state headquartered Arizona Grassroots Action Committee has sent ‘vote for’ select precinct committeemen campaign mailers  into -- angering  the more conservative PCs who were omitted.  See http://archives.mcrcbriefs.org/  8-8-14 and 8-9-14 MCRC Briefs for prior stories. 

A Reader Questions:  “Why are political groups collecting money from around the globe to attack hard working Precinct Committeemen in Arizona?  Who are they working for and against? What is the ulterior motive?  Who gave these people the hit list of targeted names of people running for Precinct Committeeman NOT to vote for? There are skunks in here somewhere.” 

Reports Are Surfacing That An Out-Of-State PAC Is Attempting To Influence The LD23 precinct committeeman election that is listed on their Aug. 26 primary ballot. A flyer sent to LD23 GOP voters lists a group of PCs candidates to vote for – but it does not include current PCs John and April Riggins. Is this an attempt to oust April Riggins as a precinct Committeemen in the Aug 26 primary election to prevent her from running for chairmanship of the Maricopa County Republican Committee in January 2015?  Some think so. Riggins just happens to the First Vice-Chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Committee, which makes her the heir-apparent to become the Maricopa County Republican Chairman if Chairman A J LaFarodecides not to rerun for the position.  As you may recall, LaFaro was the chairman when Maricopa County PCs passed a resolution reprimanding Sen John McCain earlier this year. It’s no secret that McCainites want LaFaro gone -- along with the rest of his cabinet when the election for new officers rolls around in January 2015. Never mind that the well-liked Riggins is a long-time, hardworking Republican activist, who has done an outstanding job as a second VP. About the only way, she can be prevented from moving up into the Chairman’s position is to make sure she isn’t re-elected at the precinct level in the Aug 26 primary- which would disqualifying her from running for the Chairmanship. Seehttp://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/lookup2.php?strID=C00558445 for information on the Alexandria, Va based Arizona Grassroots Action Committee  -- listing of out of state funding donors, and expenditures within Arizona. FEC Committee ID: C00558445 (Look up actual documents filed at the FEC)



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