Chuck Coughlin, Scott Smith and Cronie CapitalismPosted: 2014-08-09
Wes Harris 8-9-14
For some time I have been making the connection between Governor Brewer, Obrewer Care Chuck Coughlin, and Crony Capitalism. It seems that where Mr. Coughlin is there is cronie capitalism as with the hospitals and medicaid expansion when he and the Brewer rolled the House and Senate with the "Gang of 14" who caucused and voted with the Democrats. This is the kind of corruption that we must stop in State government. People like Mr. Coughlin take advantage of their contacts to enrich themselves. We see it at all levels of the recent disclosure of outlandish salaries bestowed on so called 'public employees to the tune of $380K/yr' or the settlement of millions of dollars without a court trial by our Maricopa County Supervisors to the likes of Mary Rose Wilcox and Don Stapley. The list is endless. Well now with Brewer's endorsement of Scott Smith we see things coming full circle.
First and foremost, any true conservative Republican cannot possibly vote for anyone who joined the "Gang of 14" nor can they vote for anyone who received the endorsement of the person behind the rolling of their party...Gov. Jan Brewer. She is poison to Republicans and anyone associated with her and Chuck Coughlin must elected to any position of representatives of the We the People. Seems that the MCRC Briefs now believe what I have been saying for some time now.
Readers Are Reminding Briefs that Chuck Coughlin of High Ground Consulting is a consultant for Sen. John McCain, Gov. Jan Brewer, Gubernatorial candidate Scott Smith… and represents big medical donors who supported passage of Brewer’s Medicaid Expansion. Jez, some of us remember when he was one of former Attorney General Grant Woods side-kicks in the early 90s before transferring to then Gov. Fife Symington’s office. You’ve have built quite a career, Chuck.
Now what we must do is elect only people who reflect our personal values and insure that they follow those values after we elect them. One such person who reflects my values and adheres to those values is Frank Riggs...the only true and tested conservative running for Governor, in my opinion. Please consider everything before you vote and I believe you will agree with me that unlike the others who are endorsed by the "Establishment Republicans" like McCain, Kyl, (alla Mr. Ducie), Frank is truly for We the People first!
All the best...and send this out to your family and friends please.