Today we see the inevitable has happened. The Governor has come out with a string of Endorsements. All of course for the bribe recipients during the Brewer/Obama medicaid Expansion Fraud whether they are legislators or supporters like Pullen.
This governor needs to hear, and the public needs to see that we as rank and file Republicans, are disgusted with her and her meddling in the primary process. I would like to see a resounding condemnation of her wholly inappropriate actions. A no faith and no support statement to that affect from State, County, and LD Chairs. We are always told about this non-partisan stance by our leaders, it's bunk if the rules are good for me but not for thee. This woman has done more to increase independent voter registration in this state and to weaken the AZGOP than any person or event in the past 25 years. A shameless and vindictive move by a very small and unworthy person.
Mike Richardson