But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses. ~Mark 11:26

Open Season On Legistraitors

Posted: 2014-05-30

Subj: Primary Season Opens - LegisTraitor Season Begins
Alliance For Principled Conservatives

Alliance for Principled Conservatives
Fight for Arizona ! 

LegisTraitor Season Begins - Republican Primary in Arizona 



"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse."                                       John Stuart Mill




This is a war within the Republican Party but it's not a new war and it did not begin in 2013.  Ronald Reagan did not start nor did he end this war in the 1980s. Ever hear of Rockefeller? Rockefeller is now RINO and Reagan's name is interchanged with Goldwater and if you start this conversation you will hear mutterings of a guy named George Mason and his admonishment that the rights given to the federal government never surmount those given to the people. From Braveheart's war cry "Freedom" to Moses pleading "Let my people go" the desire to simply live free is inherent.  


The Republican Party in Arizona is today's battleground. 


Governor Brewer has formed team Coalition of Corruption consisting of 15 LegisTraitorsand all the Democrats.  Team color is purple. They are attacking our Party planks of individual liberty and state sovereignty


The grassroots in Arizona is fighting back fielding Principled Conservatives to take out the LegisTraitors and restore a true Republican majority.  


We have a simple requirement:  vote like a Republican.


Ten sitting incumbents are facing primary challengers.  Two surrendered when faced with the reality of the grassroots assault and wisely decided not to run for re-election.


LD             Good Guys - Vote 'YES'                           LegisTraitor Black List


8                      Darla Dawald                                      T.J. Shope and Frank Pratt

15      David Burnell Smith joins John Allen                        Heather Carter

16       John Fillmore joins Kelly Townsend                         Doug Coleman

28                     Shawnna Bolick                                        Kate Brophy-McGee

18              John King and Jill Norgaard                                 Rob Robson

25                       Ralph Heap                                                   Bob Worsley

 2                      Tom Morrissey                                               Jeff Dial

(Tom Morrissey's campaign announcement led to the surrender of John McComish.)


Link: http://www.apcarizona.com/Primary_Candidates.html


Four of the LegisTraitors are not running in 2014. 

- Michelle shame-to-the-name-Reagan wants a reward for her treachery with a promotion to Secretary of State. 

- Rich Crandall moved and was replaced by good guy David Farnsworth (who we must re-elect). 

- John McComish quickly surrendered when faced with primary candidate Tom Morrissey.

- Doris Goodale conceded her health could not withstand the grassroots assault and surrendered.


All our Principled Conservatives need and deserve your help!


Contact me for information on how you can help.  


Christine Bauserman
Chair Alliance of Principled Conservatives  


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