From: Posted on: 2014-05-27
I suppose I should have answered the comment that he was "a wealthy guy" as well. He has worked really hard his entire life, both on the faculty of ASU and by investing in local real estate. He lived very frugally and invested nearly everything he earned to become financially secure. Isn't that the sort of man you'd like representing you?
From: Posted on: 2014-05-27
Wow! You may be correct about these other GOP candidates, but you are wrong about David Pheanis. I've known this man all of my life, since we grew up together in Ohio. He is the most idealogically conservative man I've ever known. He may be associated with other GOP candidates as a part of this primary process, but he is firmly in our camp. You should take a moment to actually speak to him about the issues before you declare that he's a RINO. He isn't! Take the time to find out and take advantage of an opportunity to add a real conservative to the corrupted GOP ranks of RINOS.