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(IBD) Obama Ties Pentagon's Hands In Hunting Benghazi Attackers

Posted: 2014-01-18

 by Daniel John Sobieski on January 17, 2014 Patriot Action Network

War On Terror: By refusing to acknowledge the role of al-Qaida-linked terrorists in the Benghazi attack, the administration has kept our military from hunting down and killing people responsible for the deadly 2012 attack.

There would seem to be no shortage of targets for America's fleet of drones after the Senate release of a report documenting, despite the efforts of the New York Times and others to revive the video lie, the presence and participation of terrorists from no fewer than four al-Qaida-affiliated groups on the ground in Benghazi.

Among the al-Qaida-affiliated groups involved in the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack, according to the Senate report released last week, were groups such as al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb, al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, the Mohammad Jamal Network and Ansar al-Sharia, the terrorist group that actually took credit for the attack as it was happening, according to communications received by the State Department that night.

A month later, President Obama said of the attack that "my biggest priority now is bringing those folks to justice, and I think the American people have seen that's a commitment I'll always keep."

Yet so far the only individual apprehended and incarcerated for the Benghazi attack is the hapless Coptic filmmaker responsible for the video the Obama administration used as an excuse, even though, as we have noted, military leaders informed the president that night that it was a terrorist attack.

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